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Opis bibliograficzny

Methodological Guidelines
Pastille Project, Linee guida metodologiche

redaktor naukowy

Olcese, Gianluca

redaktor naukowy

Barillari, Sonia Maura (1963-....) ISNI 0000000108618057

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język publikacji


język publikacji



Wydawnictwo Società Dante Alighieri

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Società Dante Alighieri

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ul. Legnicka 65
50-237 Wrocław

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Spis treści

Introduction: from Theory to Praxis
1. Introduction
2. Didactic approaches to the teaching of Italian language
3. Innovation
4. Motivation
5. Conclusion
Methodological Premise
1. The art of ancient memory
2. The natural stages of acquisition
3. Acquisition of contextualized vocabulary
Module 1 – Language acquisition
1. Introduction
2. Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR)
3. European Language Portfolio (ELP)
4. Certificates of Knowledge of the Italian Language as a Foreign language or Second language
5. Conclusions
Module 2 – History of Italian Language and History of Pastille Project
1. Short history of Italian Language
2. History of the Pastille Project
3. Italian language and its varieties. Which Italian to teach?
Module 3 – Methodology
1. Theories and disciplines influencing glottodidactics
2. Nativist Theory of Language Acquisition (Chomsky)
3. Cognitivist-Constructivist Learning Hypothesis
4. Methodological Principles and Class Management Activities
5. Principles
6. Correspondence between CEFR levels and Linguistic Competences
Module 4 – Teaching and Assessment Tools
1. Didactic Units
2. Pastille website
Module 5 – Monitoring and Evaluation of the Didactic Unit Construction Process
1. Monitoring and evaluation: theoretical framework
2. Monitoring and evaluation plan for the construction phase of the PASTILLE project's teaching units

Introduzione: dalla teoria alla prassi
1. Introduzione
2. Approcci didattici all’insegnamento della lingua italiana
3. Innovazione
4. Motivazione
5. Conclusione
Premessa metodologica
1. L’arte della memoria antica
2. Le fasi naturali dell’acquisizione
3. L’acquisizione contestualizzata del lessico
Modulo 1 – Conoscenza della lingua
1. Introduzione
2. Quadro Comune Europeo di Riferimento per le Lingue (QCER)
3. Portfolio Europeo delle Lingue (PEL)
4. Certificati di Conoscenza della Lingua Italiana come Lingua Straniera/Secondaria
5. Conclusioni
Modulo 2 – Storia della Lingua Italiana e del Progetto Pastille
1. Breve Storia della Lingua Italiana
2. Storia del Progetto Pastille
3. L’ Italiano e le sue Varietà. Quale Italiano Insegnare?
Modulo 3 – Metodologia
1. Teorie e discipline che influenzano la glottodidattica
2. La Teoria Nativista di Acquisizione delle Lingue (Chomsky)
3. Ipotesi di Apprendimento Cognitivistico-Costruttivista
4. Principi Metodologici e Attività di Gestione della Classe
5. Principi
6. Corrispondenza tra i Livelli del CEFR e le Competenze Linguistiche
Modulo 4 – Strumenti di Insegnamento e Valutazione
1. Unità Didattiche
2. Sito Web
Modulo 5 – Monitoraggio e Valutazione del processo di costruzione delle Unità Didattiche
1. Monitoraggio e valutazione: quadro teorico
2. Piano di monitoraggio e valutazione della fase di costruzione delle unità didattiche del progetto PASTILLE

Tekst promocyjny

The aim of this guide is to introduce teachers to the use of a new teaching method for Italian as a foreign language, which uses texts, films, songs, and other art forms as tools to transmit culture through the target language by means of modern glottodidactic theory and access to multimedia materials linked to e-learning strategies that can encourage research and development of personal culture. The language learning takes place in a European perspective, aware of the links of continuity and exchange between the different regions of Europe and, starting from the Mediterranean basin, deepens the international historical links in a broad dimension. The teaching materials will be available free of charge for students and teachers, thus contributing to the development of a sense of belonging to Europe and global citizenship. Through the knowledge of the Italian tradition and language, the method consciously encourages the learning of other foreign languages and the link with the culture in which they flourished.

Nota biograficzna

Gianluca Olcese. Romance philologist. Since 2013 President of the SDA-Wroclaw; since 2008 Lecturer of Italian Language, Literature and Culture at the University of Wroclaw; Junior-Professor of Didactics of Romance Languages in 2017-18 at the Dresden University of Technology; in 2008-11 Italian language teacher at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. Winner of the Interstudent prize as the best foreign PhD student in Poland in 2011. Since 2020 Scientific Advisor of the UNESCO Chair in Anthropology of Health - Biosphere and Systems of Heal of the University of Genoa - Museum of Ethnomedicine A. Scarpa, Subject Expert of the Chair of Romance Philology at the University of Genoa, editor-in-chief of the scientific journal Classica Wratislaviensia; founder in 2017 and director of the SDA-Wroclaw publishing house. Engaged in research on European and Mediterranean common heritage through texts and practices, on the origin of the cult of John the Baptist, author of philological and anthropological publications on the areas of linguistic minority and folk traditions and research in the field of cultural studies, among them folktales and legends, of the Silesian area. Leader for the international project "Pastille - European Arts and Traditions in Italian Language Learning", SDA-Wroclaw coordinator for the International Project, “Informal and Non-Formal E-Learning for Cultural Heritage” xFORMAL, H2020-MSCA-RISE-2020 and partner coordinator at the University of Wroclaw for the project "SMiLD - Focus on Students with Mathematics Learning Disabilities" leaded by the University of Genoa. Project Beneficient, Grant for Grants for H2020 proposal: “Cultural Heritage for Inclusive Growth in Poland”.

Sonia Maura Barillari. Romance philologist and from 1991 carries out its research activities at the University of Genoa, from which in 2010 held the position of associate professor. She is mainly interested in edifying literature and medieval theater, supporting the interpretation of texts (latin and vernacular) with the data obtained from the analysis of folk traditions in their contemporary. His other fields of interest are codicology, Dante’s studies, the relationships between text and image. Since 1996 she is member of the Scientific Committee of the “Laboratorio Etno-Antropologico” of Rocca Grimalda. Since 2006 she is member of the Scientific Committee of the “Istituto per i Beni marionettistici e il Teatro popolare”. Since 2008 she is part of the scientific committee of the magazine “Orma. Journal of Ethnological and Historical-Religious Studies”. Since 2009, she is member of the Executive Board of the journal “L’immagine Riflessa. Testi, società, culture”. Since 2011 she collaborates with the “Instytut Studiów Klasycznych, Śródziemnomorskich the Orientalnych” (Department of Classical, Mediterranean and Eastern studies) of the University of Wroclaw (Poland). Since 2011 she is member of the Academic Board of the PhD course “Philology, interpretation and history of italian and romance texts” at the University of Genoa. Since 2012 she is member of the scientific committee of the magazine “Italica Wratislaviensia” (University of Wroclaw, Poland). Since 2012 she is member of the scientific committee of the series “Metamorphoseion. Metamorphoseion. Collana di storia della scienze e delle tecniche”, Rome, Aracne. Since 2012 she is director (with Franco Pezzini and Andrea Scibilia) of the series “Autunnonero. Studi sul folklore e il fantastico

Dodatkowy opis

obligatoryjna nota wydawcy

Pastille, Erasmus+ project nr. 2019-1-PL01-KA203-065078

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

The Erasmus+ National Agency in Poland support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Erasmus+ National Agency in Poland cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


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Società Dante Alighieri

NIP 8992740401
telefon 798493454
email dante.wroclaw@gmail.com
email gianluca.olcese@uni.wroc.pl
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